Blog aggregator - a website that collects and organizes blog sources

A blog aggregator, collecting and organizing other blogs and blog byproducts.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Blog suggestions from our readers?

I'm currently working on posts about

* politics, local or otherwise
* charities and crowd source funding
* animals who have blogs

If you have any suggestions for blogs on these topics, or a topic you'd like to see in the future, let me know in the comments!

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm. Of those, I think I can only provide suggestions for politics.

    "Dispatches from the Culture Wars" ( Not only about politics, but that's really the major focus.

    "Crommunist Manifesto" ( NOTE: Canadian politics (and other stuff, but you'll hear more about Conservatives, Liberals, and NDP than about Democrats and Republicans).

    That's about it for now on that subject. If you ever do a topic on atheist and political poetry blogs, you'll have to include the Digital Cuttlefish (
