Blog aggregator - a website that collects and organizes blog sources

A blog aggregator, collecting and organizing other blogs and blog byproducts.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A very Science Thanksgiving.

Gizmodo shows us how NASA would cook a turkey and explains how MacGyver would do it better.

YouTuber Vihart shows us how to make Mathed Potatoes, Green Bean Matherole and Borromean Onion Rings.  She has more coming out later this week!

The Huffington Post shares some Geeky Facts about Thanksgiving.

Technabob at Pichaus shows us how to make an LED Turkey Centerpiece.

WiseGeek explains how cranberries turn into sauce with the right ratio of ingredients.

BoingBoing has an excellent list of Thanksgiving Science stories and articles.

ScienceMag explains what Scientists are thankful for on Thanksgiving including, "We are thankful for coffee. So, so thankful."

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Election News: Puerto Rico

Unless you live under a rock, you know who won the US Presidential election.  But did you see the news about Puerto Rico?

If you follow Ricky Martin on twitter, you know that one of my favorite bloggers, Hank Green of the Vlogbrothers, posted a video about our potential 51st state!

That's right!  On the back pages of CNN, the Huffington Post and the Washington Post, there are articles about Puerto Ricans favoring statehood.

How does this all work?  One of my good friends, StarlightGeek, has an amazing blog post that will explain it all!