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A blog aggregator, collecting and organizing other blogs and blog byproducts.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

How do you take your science?

If you like your science in paragraph format, I suggest Bad Astronomy, which is one of the many Discover Magazine blogs and the Wired Science blog.  For weather there is Jeff Master's Wunderblog and the DC area Capital Weather Gang page.

For comic format there's always xkcd as well as the work of Sidney Harris.

If you like pictures better, I suggest Astronomy Picture of the Day and National Geographic Photo of the Day.

There's also video blogs... er, classrooms?  Crash Course (which has things other than science, like history) and Minute Physics are my favorites on YouTube.  Also not to miss is CGP Grey who takes an amusing track to complicated explanations about seemingly simple things, like leap years.

If none of those suffice, I suggest the many music videos of Symphony of Science.  Start with 'A Glorious Dawn'.


  1. Ok, I can't resist offering my own recommendations.

    If "science" to you extends as far as math, Good Math, Bad Math at Scientopia (

    If the philosophy of science, Adventures in Ethics and Science, also Scientopia (

    Heck, almost *anything* from Scientopia.

    In medicine, Respectful Insolence ( and Science-based Medicine (

    In Physics, Uncertain Principles (

  2. Thanks for the links, I'll have to check them out! Who is this, so I can credit you if I use your suggestions in a future post?
